About AgriFoodTure

AgriFoodTure is a mission-based partnership that aims to accelerate the green transition of the Danish agri-food system and position Denmark as the leader for innovative, green solutions.

The AgriFoodTure partnership unites universities, knowledge, and innovation institutions, SMEs and large national and international companies, civil society actors and authorities in a common vision for the Danish agricultural and food production. 

Our ambition is to be the leading platform for initiating new partnerships and cross-cutting collaborations with actors from the entire value chain. 

AgriFoodTure is the outcome of a joint roadmap, written and submitted by around 300 researchers and experts from all Danish universities and several research institutions in the Danish food cluster in connection with Innovation Fund Denmark’s Innomission 3 call in April 2021. 

So far, more than 60 partners have joined the partnership. In 2021, AgriFoodTure granted funding for 11 projects amounting to approx. DKK 50 million. In 2023, In January 2023, a second call for project applications with a budget of DKK 75 million was announced. 


AgriFoodTure wants to position Denmark as the leader for innovative, disruptive solutions that enable the green transition of the agri-food system and contribute to:

  • Achieving a 70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • Protecting the environment and supporting Danish nature and biodiversity.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of Danish business and industry.


The mission is to power a new generation of green export opportunities, securing the climate, environment and biodiversity while safeguarding food production and employment.

AgriFoodTure will work fast to create strong, results-oriented research and innovation collaborations that build solutions across relevant fields of specialist expertise.

Within agriculture, where plants, animals, soil, water and energy are closely interconnected, AgriFoodTure will apply a circular, holistic approach to create sustainable solutions for Denmark and the world.

Mission roadmap report

The mission roadmap report describes the roadmap and the five roadmap tracks.

Roadmap report white paper

An extended version of the mission roadmap report is published as a whitepaper.

AgriFoodTure Roadmap

The roadmap for AgriFoodTure is based on a systems approach in a multi-stakeholder, multi-process integrated system.

Read more about AgriFoodTure’s mission roadmap report
Roadmap report can be downloaded here:

An extended version of the mission roadmap report is published as a white paper and can be found here:


Board of Directors

The AgriFoodTure Board of Directors is responsible for the overall and strategic management of AgriFoodTure.

The Board of Directors is elected at the annual General Assembly held before the end of May each year. The decision-making power is delegated to Board of Directors from the general assembly. Only partners, who are paid members of AgriFoodTure can stand for election to the Board of Directors and vote at the General Assembly. The Board of Directors consists of a total of 15 members distributed as follows:

  • 5 representatives from large companies
  • 1 representative from small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
  • 6 universities
  • 1 GTS
  • 1 NGO
  • SEGES Innovation

Currently the Board of Directors also includes three board observer posts.

See the AgriFoodTure Board of Directors

Mission Management

The Board of Directors executes its decisions through Mission Management. The Board of Directors hires the Mission Director, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of AgriFoodTure. The Mission Director is Anette Engelund Friis.

The Mission Management team solves these main tasks:

  • Dynamic portfolio management including data collection, assessment/ learning and mission alignment across the portfolio.
  • Process and decision support to the Board of Directors and other governance bodies.
  • Initiation of cross-cutting initiatives and activities in collaboration with partnership: e.g., on capacity building programs, collaboration with policy makers and coordination with the other Innomission partnerships.
  • Management of communication.
  • Accounting tasks.
  • Initiation and coordination of mission activities, events etc.

See the AgriFoodTure Mission Management

For further details regarding the representation Board of Directors and how each member is elected:

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