Our mission is brewing – 46 partners already onboard

The mission driven AgriFoodTure partnership was established in April this year and a great deal has been accomplished already. 46 partners are involved, 11 projects are already underway, and we have a Mission Director on board. This was presented in the recent annual review to the Innovation Fund Denmark.

Missiondriven partnership appoints Mission Director

Mission Director of AgriFoodTure Anette Engelund Friis

From 1st of December Anette Engelund Friis takes over as Mission Director in the ambitious mission-driven climate partnership AgriFoodTure. With both international experience as well as in depth knowledge of the food sector, she will drive the partnership’s mission-driven work with the green transition of the industry forward.


Low emissions and high energy production in manure handling chains.

AQRIFood – Phase I

Advancing the quality of plant-based raw materials and ingredients for food applications – Phase I: Raw materials and derived ingredients.


Photochemical eradication of methane from animal production


Detection and removal of undesirable compounds in plant-based dairy alternatives by processing and fermentation.


Developing and testing strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the use of fertiliser and manure.


Mitigation of climate impacts from plant production with biochar from straw and biogas digestates.

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