Peder Tuborgh re-elected as Chairman of the Board

CEO Peder Tuborgh from Arla has been re-elected as the chairman of the board in the Danish innovation partnership AgriFoodTure. With support from the Innovation Fund Denmark, the Danish innovation partnership AgriFoodTure has, since 2022, invested 126 million kroner in green innovation projects that aim to accelerate the green transition of the agriculture and food […]

Announcement: Two new calls for proposals

AgriFoodTure is pleased to announce two calls for proposals, offering a total of 45 million DKK for new research and innovation projects that aim to accelerate the green transition within Denmark’s agricultural and food sectors. The themes of the calls are “Social Solutions for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems” and “Cutting-edge Research and Innovation with High Potential […]

Sign up for General Assembly & Conference

Join us at the AgriFoodTure General Assembly & Conference on May 21, where we aim to unite industry stakeholders, policymakers, and partners to discuss and evolve the transformation of the agriculture and food system. We focus on sustainable climate initiatives, creating solutions that safeguard food production, employment, environment, and biodiversity, while opening new export opportunities. […]

In the media: The green transition requires a break with silo thinking

In a featured article in the Danish media outlet Klimamonitor, AgriFoodTure’s Mission Director, Anette Engelund Friis, and Chairman Peder Tuborgh emphasize that a successful green transition in the food and agriculture sector requires increased collaboration across sectors. Specifically, they recommend that food companies, universities, research institutions, authorities, and NGOs work much closer together than today […]

Researchers invent methane cleaner in AgriFoodTure project

A groundbreaking method developed as part of the AgriFoodTure project PERMA has successfully removed methane from the air. The result gets us closer to being able to remove greenhouse gases from livestock housing, biogas production plants and wastewater treatment plants to benefit the climate. “A large part of our methane emissions comes from millions of […]

AgriFoodTure is the place where we can meet other companies

Circular Food Technology is a food-tech company based in Denmark, specializing in increasing the value of sidestreams. The company is a new partner in AgriFoodTure. “We are a partner in AgriFoodTure because it is the place where we can meet other companies facing the same challenges as us. AgriFoodTure is contributing to the green transition […]

Project in the Spotlight: CH4VENT

AgriFoodTure’s current project portfolio consists of 17 projects which contributes to the green transition of the food and agriculture system. One of the projects is CH4VENT which project manager Søren O. Petersen from Aarhus University answers 4 questions about here: What is your goal with the project? Surface crusts forming on liquid manure during storage develop a rich […]

Ambient Carbon: Being part of AgriFoodTure is crucial to us

The startup company Ambient Carbon develops technologies that reduce or eradicate greenhouse gases at point source or in the ambient air. The small startup works closely together with the other partners in the AgriFoodTure-project PERMA. “Being part of AgriFoodTure and having partners is crucial for us, both in terms of economic support and building relationships,” […]

AgriFoodTure invests DKK 64 million in green innovation projects

AgriFoodTure is investing DKK 64 million in six innovation projects aimed at accelerating the green transition of the agricultural and food sector. Meat alternatives made from brewery by-products, the use of crab proteins in animal feed, and the optimal utilization of grassland crops in cattle crop rotation. These are just some of the topics covered […]

DLG: We want to exchange knowledge to take the industry forward

DLG is a major agricultural cooperative in Denmark that offers services and products to farmers. The company places a significant emphasis on its own development initiatives to promote green transformation. However, DLG is fully aware that success cannot be achieved in isolation. “If we team up, we can work together to take this industry further […]

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