Call for Funding Proposals:
Social Solutions for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems

Theme: Projects with a focus on social sciences and humanities (SSH) as a cross-cutting issue for accelerating implementation of climate solutions and transition to sustainable agri-food systems towards 2030 and 2050. 

This call specifically invites proposals considering SSH perspectives on social processes and interactions connecting societies, ecosystems, and biophysical aspects within agri-food systems.

AgriFoodTure invites ambitious, cross-cutting research and innovation projects that align with the mission to achieve the 2030 and 2050 goals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. 

In recognition of the critical role that land users, businesses, policy makers, customers, users, citizens and consumers play in shaping and influencing both social and systems components of the agri-food sector, this call specifically calls for an SSH approach to accelerating the green transition in the Danish agri-food system. 

Key Information

On July 8 at 8-9 AM and August 14 at 8-9 AM, AgriFoodTure is hosting two webinars where you can learn about the call, the application process, and more.

Register for webinar: July 8 at 8-9 AM
Register for webinar: August 14 at 8-9 AM


Mette Kallestrup Spring
Program Manager
+45 2181 8858

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