
AgriFoodTure Conference 2023: Debate, knowledge sharing, and networking

On 9 May 2023, AgriFoodTure had invited partners, project partners, and other interested parties to the very first one-day annual AgriFoodTure conference. 100 participants from all sides of the food and agriculture sectors made it a fantastic day of debate, knowledge sharing, inspiration, and networking.

“I would like to thank everyone who attended our annual conference and express my gratitude for the active participation. There were great discussions in the room, and many insightful questions were raised. I am personally very energized and eager to take this mission forward,” says Mission Director Anette Friis Engelund, adding:

“Working mission-based is about bringing together the willing, and that’s exactly what happened.”

You can download some of the presentations from the conference here:


Julie Hjort, Director of Sustainable Transition, Danish Design Center

Mette Olaf Nielsen, Professor, Aarhus University

Mette Walter, Project Portfolio Manager, Danish Technical Institute

Anders Feilberg, Assoc. Professor, Aarhus University

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