
AgriFoodTure Conference 2024: Collaboration for a greener future

The 21st of May, AgriFoodTure held its second annual conference. The setting at Koldinghus was historical and resonated with the grandeur of the past. However, the 70 participants and speakers were not looking back – they were looking forward to a green transformation of the agriculture and food system.

“I am very pleased with our annual conference. AgriFoodTure is now 2 years old, and I am proud of where we have come both with our project results and our role as a platform for the green transition,” says Anette Engelund Friis, Mission Director at AgriFoodTure.

AgriFoodTure unites partners from universities and knowledge institutions, business, policymakers, and civil society to find sustainable and innovative climate solutions that safeguard food production, employment, environment, and biodiversity, while opening new export opportunities. The annual conference is an important part of this work.

“My main takeaway from the day is that everyone mentioned interdisciplinary collaboration as one of the very fundamental elements of how we can succeed with the green transition of the agrifood sector,” says Anette Engelund Friis.

The keynote speakers at the conference were:

  • Jens Legarth, CEO of FERM FOOD, who talked about the startup environment and how to go from idea to implementation and expand products beyond borders
  • Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Center Director at MAPP at Aarhus University, who focused on consumer behavior and acceptance of food

The conference also included exciting results and status updates from three of AgriFoodTure’s projects:

  • Christian Bugge Henriksen, AQRIFood
  • Ann Britt Værge, ZeroEmission
  • Matthew Johnson, PERMA

In summary, the AgriFoodTure Conference 2024 showcased the power of collaboration and innovation, leaving participants inspired and ready to advance their efforts towards a greener future.


Download the presentations from the conference here in PDF format:

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