
AgriFoodTure launches call for investments with a budget of DKK 75 million

Denmark’s first mission-driven green innovation partnership, AgriFoodTure, now launches a new call for investments in projects.

In the call, also referred to as Pool 2, AgriFoodTure aims to invest in cross-cutting research and innovation projects with a significant impact on the green transition of the Danish agri-food system.

The budget of the call is circa DKK 75 million and the investment per project is from DKK 3 million to DKK 15 million. The projects should focus on ambitious results with high value creation, whether in the form of new knowledge, improved and/or new processes, systems, products, or solutions.

Furthermore, the projects must create societal value and/or economic value in the form of a green transition of agriculture and food production within Danish public and private companies and/or with consumers e.g., among citizens, state, regions, and municipalities.

“In AgriFoodTure we want to empower a new generation of green solutions and export opportunities accommodating climate, environment, and biodiversity, while safeguarding both food production and employment,” says Mission Director Anette Engelund Friis.

“In this call, we aim to invest in projects that contribute to achieving the target of 70% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark by 2030 and beyond, while at the same time protecting the environment, supporting biodiversity and contributing to an increased competitiveness of Danish business and industry,” says Anette Engelund Friis.

Enterprises, research institutions or public institutions in or outside Denmark, directly involved in the project activities, are eligible to apply, participate and receive funding. Relevant collaborations across enterprises, research institutions and public institutions must be striven for.

Projects must be related to AgriFoodTure’s roadmap for a green transition of the Danish agri-food system, and the project period can last a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 4 years. The application deadline is 17 April 2023.

The AgriFoodTure partnership consists of national and international universities, knowledge institutions and companies with green ambitions for the transformation of agriculture and food production in Denmark. The vision of the partnership is to position Denmark as the leading country in an innovative and disruptive green transition of agriculture and food production.

The first project applications, also known as Pool 1, were launched in 2022 with 11 projects receiving funding from AgriFoodTure.
Find call 1 projects here

Further information

Guidelines for applications for call 2
Download the AgriFoodTure roadmap
Sign up for our Q&A session about the call 24 January at 13:30 – 15:30 CET

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