Innovation Fund Denmark granted AgriFoodTure 201 million DKK in April 2022 for the development of new solutions and technologies that enable sustainable agriculture and food production. Now the partnership has its first board of directors.
Heading the board as chairman is Arla’s CEO Peder Tuborgh, who served as interim chairman after the partnership received the grant in April. The deputy chairman is Erik Bisgaard Madsen, vice dean for business and governance cooperation in the faculty of science at University of Copenhagen.
“I look forward to AgriFoodTure speeding up the green transformation of the food and agriculture sector. The strength of the partnership is that we can both develop knowledge and implement new solutions in real life because the entire sector has come together. With these strengths, we can achieve the vision of climate neutrality in 2050 and pave the way for Denmark as a world-leading actor,” says Peder Tuborgh.
The newly elected deputy chairman agrees: “In Denmark, we have world-class research environments in many academic fields relevant to the food and agriculture sector. AgriFoodTure will bring research-based knowledge and education into play in the sector’s green transformation. When we join forces in the partnership to obtain funding for large-scale research and innovation projects, we can create global change,” says Erik Bisgaard Madsen.
The other members of the board are: Esben Laulund from Chr. Hansen Holding, Birgitte Skadhauge from Carlsberg Breweries, Charlotte Wandorf from Danish Crown, Klaus K. Nielsen from DLF Seeds, Lars Midtiby from the Danish Nature Conversation Association, Lars Leopold Hinrichsen from the Danish Technological Institute, Jan Grøndal from Einar Willumsen, Eskild Holm from Aarhus University, Christine Nellemann from the Technical University of Denmark, Mogens Rysholt from Aalborg University, Hanne Harmsen from Copenhagen Business School, Henrik Bindslev from the University of Southern Denmark and Ejnar Schultz from SEGES Innovation.