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DLG: We want to exchange knowledge to take the industry forward

DLG is a major agricultural cooperative in Denmark that offers services and products to farmers. The company places a significant emphasis on its own development initiatives to promote green transformation. However, DLG is fully aware that success cannot be achieved in isolation.

“If we team up, we can work together to take this industry further and forward, that’s what we need. We are partners in AgriFoodTure because we want to exchange knowledge and discuss it with the different partners and industries – to take us steps forward,” says Christine Brøkner, senior manager at DLG.

DLG not only contributes knowledge to projects within AgriFoodTure but also leverages the platform to enhance their own implementation strategies.

“Since we work with a lot of companies taking part in the green transition, we need to know what their needs are – and what they can use and not use. While development and science are essential, we also emphasize the implementation phase,” says Christine Brøkner.

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