Foliar fertilization for a more efficient, environmental, and climate friendly crop production


  • Develop methods to reduce N2O emissions from the Danish crop rotation system equivalent to a reduction of 960 tons by 2030 while maintaining yields and avoiding other environmental negative impacts.
  • Quantify the reduced N2O emissions from the use of foliar nitrogen application
  • Implement weather, satellite, and soil sensor data in combination with AI to optimize N rate and timing.



  • Field plot experiments are conducted at three sites to test foliar fertilizer formulation and strategies
  • The fate of foliar applications of N is followed in small scale experiments with application of 15N labelled fertilizers
  • Develop and implement a novel nutrient application algorithm based on sensor data and SoilOptixdata
  • Validation of protein algorithm based on data from farmers field experiments
  • Evaluate the economic and environmental benefits from foliar nutrient application


Expected results

  • Develop methods to reduce N2O emissions from the Danish crop rotation system by 30% while yields are maintained and other environmental negative impacts are avoided
  • Implement the use of weather, satellite, and soil sensor data in combination with AI to optimize N rate and timing
  • Quantify the reduced N2O emissions, the economic and environmental benefits from the use of foliar nitrogen application

Project information


Aarhus Universitet, Københavns Universitet, Danish Agro, DanGødning & Flex Fertilizer System

Project manager:

René Gislum, Aarhus Universitet

Start date:


End date:


Technology Readiness Level:




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Danish Agro Logo
København Universitet logo

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