
Sustainable, Affordable, Tasty and Appealing Cheeses based on Nordic ingredients


 The overall goal of HyCheese is to create technological approaches and know-how to accelerate the development of a new generation of sustainable and affordable hybrid hard cheeses containing 40 to 80% plant proteins. We will combine gastronomic science, cheese-making knowledge and new approaches to plant and cheese processing to produce tasty and appealing cheeses based on Nordic raw materials.



  • Develop innovative product concepts and prototypes based on gastronomic science that match sensorial and nutritional attributes of hard cheeses
  • Develop innovative sustainable processes to create protein concentrates, curds and unripened cheeses with structure and texture matching hard cheeses
  • Understand how enzymes and cultures can enhance texture and flavor in curds and during ripening
  • Develop analytical platforms to monitor flavours compounds in hybrid cheese during production
  • Undertake activities to facilitate implementation and upscaling of hybrid cheese production


Expected results

HyCheese will support the development of mainstream hybrid cheeses, which will significantly impact the GHG emissions while contributing to dairy industry expansion with more affordable and healthy cheeses. HyCheese expects to strengthen the competitiveness of the Danish Dairy Industry and important Danish industrial partners, such as Chr Hansen, Novozymes, FOSS, and KMC.

Project information


Københavns Universitet, DTU, Syddansk Universitet, Spora, KMC, Chr. Hansen, Novozymes, Foss Analytical, Arla, Thise

Project manager:

Lilia Ahrné, Københavns Universitet

Start date:


End date:


Technology Readiness Level:




København Universitet logo
SDU logo
Chr Hansen Holding AS logo
foss logo
Thise logo
DTU logo
KMC logo
novozymes logo
Arla logo

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