
AgriFoodTure is the outcome of a joint roadmap, written and submitted by around 300 researchers and experts from universities and research institutions in the Danish agri-food sector.

AgriFoodTure’s roadmap is a cornerstone in the partnership and the foundation of our mission. The roadmap was written by 300 experts across the Danish agri-food sector, showing unprecedented agreement about the path to a carbon neutral agri-food sector by 2050.

The roadmap has been used by the government to prioritize investments in the sector, and it the basis for AgriFoodTure’s calls for project proposals.

Roadmap Tracks


Land Use and Management

Biotechnology-based Food Production and Alternative Protein Sources

Value Chain Aspects

Learn more

Mission roadmap report

The mission roadmap report describes the roadmap and the five roadmap tracks.

Roadmap report white paper

An extended version of the mission roadmap report is published as a whitepaper.

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