
Transforming agri-food
– green, smart, competitive

We are AgriFoodTure

We are a partnership consisting of national and international universities, knowledge institutions and companies with green ambitions to transform the agriculture and food production in Denmark.

A broad partnership and collaboration is AgriFoodTure’s DNA and the cornerstone in driving the green transformation. All interested parties are invited to join the partnership.

The basis and background of the AgriFoodTure partnership is a technical roadmap with contributions from more than 300 researchers from all Danish universities, knowledge institutions and industries.

Join AgriFoodTure here!

Join the AgriFoodTure partnership and become a partner in driving the green transition in the agriculture and food production sector. Becoming a partner in AgriFoodTure means your organization can contribute significantly to the overall partnership mission in several ways.

Your partnership fee is defined by:

Partner Category
Number of employees)
 Annual partnership fee (DKK) (ex. vat)

*This membership fee category only applies to commercial companies – universities are exempt.

A discount of 50% reduction of the partnership fee is given to members of Food & Bio Cluster Denmark (FBCD).

There are several exclusive opportunities for AgriFoodTure partners  i.e.:

  • Opportunity to participate in projects as project partners, where new research, knowledge and products will be developed
  • Participation in events arranged by AgriFoodTure
  • Access to the large network of universities, research institutions, commercial companies and other relevant actors
  • Participation in the AgriFoodTure annual conference, where the latest results generated in the AgriFoodTure projects and activities will be presented
  • Eligibility to vote at the annual general assembly meetings

AgriFoodTure is still in it’s early stages and the partnership is currently under a continuously and fast development. Watch this space!


Partnership vision and mission

AgriFoodTure’s vision is to position Denmark as the leading country in innovative and disruptive green transition of the agriculture and food production. We wish to empower a new generation of green export opportunities, accommodates climate, environment and biodiversity, while safeguarding both food production and employment.

The partnership goals are to secure impact, by creating the potential for the sector to deliver on the overall mission goals:

  • Contribute to achieve the target of 70% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • Protect the environment.
  • Support nature and biodiversity.
  • Contribute to increased competitiveness of Danish business and industry.

AgriFoodTure’s partnership navigates after a dynamic partnership plan subjected to continued
evaluation, review and update as the partnership progresses and grows towards
fulfilment of the partnership mission.

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